Sunday, May 22, 2011

This Coupon-ista is up to no good...

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Raeanna. I am the mother of 3 rambuctious boys. I am happily "retired" at 34! My best friend, the love of my life, Jacques puts up with me and my addictive personality and hobbies.
One of my hobbies is COUPONS! Yep, I am a Couponing Diva-Chica! A Coupo-nista! Yup! You got it! I learned everything I know about coupons from my mama and from my dear friend Katherine. She was so nice to share with me the joys of couponing and tricks to the trade. I have been couponing for a long long long time... Extreme Couponing... Well, that is a hard one to pin point. After learning the ins and outs of couponing, there was a point to where I hit EVERY store and got EVERY deal. After a while, especially in the Summer time, it gets old...FAST! I even hung up my coupon scissors for a while, just stopped couponing. I had a pretty good stock pile, so I was set for a while. Then about a year later, when I paid full price for Toothpaste, body wash, dish soap, laundry detergent and even Shampoo... reality struck me dead in my pocketbook! Having to pay for things that I could get for free, meant that I had less money to spend on ME. Oh yeah, I said ME!  As a mother, you put the whole family ahead of yourself. I can honestly say, that I let myself go, and stopped doing things that were FUN to me. So to keep my sanity, and my scrapbooking hobby, and other crafting hobbies, I felt like I needed to get ME back. So couponing is my outlet. My outlet to still getting the "high" or the "rush" at the register, without digging into my pocketbook. Then I can whip out my pocketbook at the places I love the most! Like, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, JoAnns, COACH Store, Salons and Lunches with my BFF's. 
I don't claim to be an expert, but I do know how to save some serious money. I turn to my friend Katherine for deals or coaching a lot. She is the Expert-Extreme Couponer and I am so lucky to have her as a friend who is willing to share her knowledge!
So follow me thru my journey of being the Coupon-ista-diva-chica. You too, can be one, it takes a lot of time, patience, and planning.

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